New Admin Options

Knowledgebase Docs » UberMenu 2 » New Admin Options

Activate UberMenu Locations 3

You’ll notice a new Meta Options box in the Menus Control Panel. This panel determines whether a particular menu location will be megafied. The location of your menu must be activated in order to megafy the menu. This allows you to have certain one location megafied while others remain normal menus. Please note that you can only have one Mega Menu per page. You could have 2 mega menus, but only if they never occur on the same page.


Menu Item Options 5

UberMenu integrates directly with the WordPress Menu System by adding UberMenu-specific options to your menu items.


UberMenu Control Panel 1

The UberMenu Options Panel is the place to customize your UberMenu. It is accessible via your Control Panel, under Appearance > Uber Menu. With it you can: Configure settings like orientation, transition, trigger event, description display, image size, and more Set how you’d like to style your Menu Select Style Presets Create Custom Styles and generate CSS Preview your Menu and a lot more Each option has a description which explains what it does right in the control panel for easy reference.
