
Knowledgebase Docs » UberMenu Icons » Advanced

Adding Custom Icons 10

This tutorial is a customization and requires PHP knowledge If you would like to add additional font icons to UberMenu, you can register those icons via PHP. Requirements The extension works only with font icons (as opposed to SVG or images) The icon markup must be in the format You must register any CSS/font assets separately Registering icons To register your own icons, you can add some code to your child theme’s functions.php. Replace the placeholders with appropriate values for your custom icons. Output The registered icons above would create the output Example: Fontello Here’s an example of registering 3 icons from Fontello: The markup output from these icons would be: You would still need to register the appropriate stylesheet and font assets (using wp_enqueue_style), both on the front end and in the admin, for the icons to appear.
