
Potential Diagnosis

  • IE7/IE8 z-index

    If your submenu is hidden or partially obstructed in IE only, it’s likely that you have a z-index issue manifesting only in Internet Explorer. See z-index

  • Submenus hidden in Internet Explorer with Filter Gradient

    You can NOT use IE gradient filters on your menu bar. If you add an IE filter to your menu bar in order to create a gradient, IE will automatically treat that element as overflow:hidden, no matter what CSS settings you change. This effectively chops off the submenu and prevents…

  • Menu positioned absolutely

    UberMenu replaces the markup of the menu in your theme. However, it also replaces the CSS styles. If the position of the theme’s menu was determined by absolute positioning rather than relative positioning, the menu may not appear in the expected location.

  • Residual scripting from the theme

    Some themes’ menu javascript will still affect the menu even after UberMenu has replaced the default menu. As a result, UberMenu can appear distorted, the styles can be incorrect, extra markup may be added, and the functionality may break.

  • Extra markup breaking map markup

    WordPress, your theme, or another plugin may be running autop or textualize filters on the map HTML, which adds extra BR elements and breaks the map output. Upgrade to the latest version of UberMenu ( or later) to resolve the issue.

  • Using $ outside of a closure ($ is not defined or is not a function)

    When you’re using a modular system like WordPress, it’s important that all jQuery is compartmentalized and running in noConflict mode in order to avoid conflicts. When other themes/plugins don’t follow this standard, you’ll get jQuery errors that break other scripts, like UberMenu.

  • Menu is obstructed by another element on the page

    When two elements overlap, one has to be on top. The one on the bottom may still be visible if the top element is transparent, but the bottom element can’t be interacted with because click/hover events are applied to the top level element and are blocked from the one below…

  • Menu Item Classes have been stripped

    Sometimes, a theme or plugin will use a filter to strip out the standard WordPress menu item classes like menu-item. When these are removed, UberMenu’s styles, which rely on these classes, cannot be applied. Themes and plugins should never remove core functionality.

  • Theme/Plugin is loading conflicting javascript (admin screens)

    When other plugins/themes load their javascript on pages that aren’t their own, they can break things.

  • Click the color wheel to set the color

    To set the color, you need to click the color wheel in the lower right corner of the color picker.