UberMenu Mega Menu

If you have UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu installed on your site, you’ll automatically see some extra options visible when you go to duplicate your menu. By default, both are checked, but you can disable these if you like. Duplicate Menu Segments If your source menu contains UberMenu Menu Segments, the Duplicator will automatically recursively duplicate all segments, and link all the copied menus up properly when you duplicate them if you enable this option. Duplicate Widgets If your source menu items contain any UberMenu widget areas, the Duplicator will automatically duplicate these widget areas, as well as the widgets inside them if you enable this option. Custom Menu Item Styles The Duplicator will automatically trigger UberMenu to re-generate any custom menu item styles for the duplicated menu – this is important for individual menu item custom styles as the items in the new menus will have new IDs. Please note that any hand-coded custom styles will need to be copied manually and their IDs updated. (A better solution may be to use custom CSS classes that you can then re-use across menus and maintain just a single style).

UberMenu 3.4 Release Notes

UberMenu 3.4 brings a variety of new features and enhancements to your mega menus. This article will run down the biggest changes and how they’ll affect you moving forward. Font Awesome 5 Update The biggest change in UberMenu 3.4 is the update from Font Awesome 4 to Font Awesome 5. Font Awesome 5 introduces new icons, offers SVG icons in addition to font icons, and breaks backwards compatibility with Font Awesome 4 icon classes. We’ve worked hard to make sure the transition to the new icon set is as smooth and painless as possible. Font Icons vs. SVG Icons Font Awesome has traditionally been drive by font icons – that is, a special font face which contains icon glyphs, which can be applied via i tags and special Font Awesome classes. Font Awesome 5 now offers SVG (scalable vector graphics) icons. UberMenu 3.4 supports both options. It will load Font Awesome as Font Icons by default for maximum compatibility. Learn more about the options. Converting Icons to Font Awesome 5 In Font Awesome 5, some of the icon classes have changed since Font Awesome 4. That means that if you’ve previously set icons, those classes may no longer be compatible with Font Awesome 5. Not to worry! UberMenu automatically converts your Font Awesome 4 classes to Font Awesome 5 when necessary. That means the update should be totally transparent, and your previous icon settings should just work. UberMenu also has a migration system that will find any Font Awesome 4 classes and convert them permanently to Font Awesome 5. For more information on converting to Font Awesome 5, please see this Knowledgebase article: Converting Font Awesome 4 to Font Awesome 5 New Icons We’ve added a bunch of new icons from Font Awesome 5 to the core plugin as well! […]

UberMenu 3.3 Release Notes

UberMenu 3.3 was released on July 10, 2017, with a variety of new feature updates and enhancements. Tabs Features Out of the box, when you create a Tabs block, all tab content panels will be sized to the height of the largest panel. This provides the best UX for scenarios where the content in each tab is relatively balanced. In some cases, the content within the tabs can range widely between tabs – one tab may require only 150px of height, while another may require 500px. By default, all tabs in this tab block will display at 500px height. With the new Dynamic Tabs Sizing feature, as the tab toggle is activated, the entire tabs block will change height to match the height of the current tab content panel. Animations can also be enabled or disabled for this setting. In addition, you can now have static (non-toggle) items in your Tabs panel – useful for headings or separating links in the same column. Dynamic Items Features Custom Styles. You can now set custom styles on a group of Dynamic Terms. Custom Anchor Class. You can now add custom anchor classes to both Dynamic Terms and Dynamic Posts for further customization ability. Custom Empty Results Message. If you set up a Dynamic Terms or Posts query that may return 0 results, you can now set up a custom message to display to the user in that event. New Customizer Settings Top Level Line Height. Adjusting the line height of the top level items is often the simplest way to equalize the heights of items with varying content sizes, assuming all text appears on a single line. Description Hover Color. Change the color of your description text when the item is hovered. Tab Toggle Current Background and Font Color. Adjust the colors […]

WordPress Plugin Technical Support Engineer

This position has been filled. SevenSpark is seeking a top-notch technical support engineer with deep WordPress knowledge to provide customer support for the suite of SevenSpark WordPress plugins (mainly, UberMenu, ShiftNav, and Bellows Accordion Menu). The ideal candidate will have both front- and back-end development skills, as well as customer service and troubleshooting skills. The candidate is looking for a long-term role which will hopefully expand from support-specific to additional roles (potentially development, marketing, etc) in the future. This position will begin as a contract position requiring about 25-30 hours per week, with the intention of transitioning to a full time position if things go well. SevenSpark has an excellent reputation for customer support, and the successful candidate will help to continue and expand upon that reputation. Looking for someone who can start as soon as possible. Position Details Location: Remote position, but must be available east coast US time (flexible for the right candidate) Time commitment: Start off as contract work ~ 25-30 hours/week If things work out, we’ll look to move to full time (40 hrs/week) Opportunity for advancement and to play a significant role in the company in the future for the right person Start date: as soon as possible Role & Responsibilities Support hours are 9am – 5pm ET (Boston/New York) – generally this means checking in 3 times a day (9, 1, 5), and clearing the queue. These may be somewhat flexible for the right candidate. Support is provided via an email-based ticketing system (HelpScout) Support includes answering any and all customer support inquiries as well as pre-purchase questions. Minor CSS customizations. Providing best practice advice. Doing manual integrations when necessary ( basic PHP editing ). Future role may be expanded to include documentation, product development, testing, or marketing, depending on candidate’s desires, experience, and […]

The Fox (Tranmautritam Team)

The menu styling for The Fox theme is extremely generic – it’s not coded modularly, so its styles affect UberMenu and interfere with its functionality. Due to how generic and non-modular the styles are, there will actually be 3 separate steps necessary to stop the theme from interfering. 1. Changing the Container Tag First, the theme has styles like this: Because this selector is so overly generic, it applies to all nav / ul / li tags in the header – in other words, all menus. To prevent these styles from applying to UberMenu, we’ll change the Container Tag setting to div rather than nav Though this won’t have an effect just yet – see step 2. 2. Manual Integration The theme also wraps the menu in an extra nav tag, so even after changing UberMenu’s tag, those styles will still apply. The theme also has another set of styles based on the nav_type class on that wrapper. To overcome this, we’ll use manual integration. 1. Copy the header.php ( /wp-content/themes/thefox/header.php ) into the child theme ( /wp-content/themes/thefox_child_theme/header.php The Fox includes a child theme that you just need to install and activate – see The Fox Child Theme If you install the child theme and WordPress says it can’t find the parent theme, make sure the ‘template’ in the child theme style.css matches the name of your parent theme’s folder exactly, including capitalization. 2. Open the child theme’s header.php and find the menu code It’ll look like this, around line 236 3. Replace the theme’s menu code with UberMenu Use the UberMenu manual integration code to replace the theme’s menu with UberMenu: Note: this has not yet eliminated all residual styling. See step 3. 3. Removing the extra nav_type class In most cases, this would have already resolved the residual […]

ShiftNav 1.5 is here!

ShiftNav v1.5 was just released! This is a feature release, with a variety of new features and enhancements. Listed below are the biggest new features of the plugin for this version. Enjoy!   Hamburger-only button toggle One of the most requested features for ShiftNav was to simplify the default full-width toggle bar into a simple hamburger button.  While it’s always been possible to do this by disabling the main toggle bar and adding a simple custom toggle to the site, v1.5 now includes this as an option in the settings.  Now it’s easy to have a simple hamburger toggle that sits on top of the site content on mobile.   UberMenu Menu Segment Processing Many customers enjoy making use of both UberMenu and ShiftNav in tandem.  While in most cases, maintaining a separate, streamlined menu for mobile users is best practice, sometimes it’s useful to be able to re-use the same menu structure for both UberMenu and ShiftNav.  Therefore ShiftNav will now process UberMenu Menu Segments, a useful tool for breaking WordPress menus down into more manageable segments.   Icon Enhancements ShiftNav Pro now provides further flexibility when it comes to applying icons to your ShiftNav menu items. The Disable Text setting allows users to set up icon-only menu items. And the Custom Icon Class setting allows users to use custom icon sets that are already loaded on their site without having to write any custom code.   Login/Logout shortcodes ShiftNav Pro 1.5 now includes two new shortcodes that are useful for customers that have a registered user base. The login and logout shortcodes are a set of easy to use shortcodes that provide a link to the login page, and a logout link, respectively, in the toggle bar. The icon and content of the links are configurable in the shortcode settings. […]

UberMenu 3.2.2 Release Notes

UberMenu 3.2.2 was released on December 8, 2015. This was a minor feature update release. Questions about updating? Check out the Update FAQs and be sure to follow the Installing Updates guide Responsive Images The most interesting new feature with UberMenu 3.2.2 is support for WordPress’s new Responsive Images functionality. This means that when you upload an image for UberMenu, those images will automatically get the srcset and sizes attributes so that compatible browsers will pull the most appropriate size image from the server. The upshot is that you’ll save bandwidth for mobile users, and get higher resolution images for your users with larger screens. Automatic Updates (beta) Automatic update capability shipped with 3.2.1, but with this update it’s the first time users will actually be able to test this functionality. The feature is disabled by default, but to enable it for beta testing you can set a constant in the wp-config.php. Check out Automatic Updates (Beta) for more details. New Settings A variety of new settings were added to give additional control when configuring the menu, including a submenu minimum height, disabling UberMenu when mobile devices are detected, disabling top level item dividers, and automatically collapsing the mobile menu after following a ScrollTo link. WordPress 4.4 Updates WordPress 4.4 changed some admin screen styles, so UberMenu 3.2.2 has been updated to work with these new admin styles and set the appropriate header tags. The new nav_menu_items_arg filter has also been added, though it is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting UBERMENU_ALLOW_NAV_MENU_ITEM_ARGS_FILTER to true in wp-config.php Enhancements & Fixes A variety of tweaks have also been made to improve user experience. The sensor parameter has been removed from the Google Maps API as it is no longer required. Font Awesome has been update to the latest release, […]

New features in UberMenu 3.2.1 update

UberMenu 3.2.1 was released today – here’s a quick rundown of some of the new features. Have questions about updating? Submenu Column Dividers You can now add visual dividers (borders) to your submenu columns via a setting in the UberMenu menu item settings. You can set the divider color as well as a minimum column height, which keeps heights even. Submenu Auto-Columns for static items With most mega menus, second level items become column headers in the submenu, and third level items fill the columns vertically below those headers, as shown here: If you only use second level items, they will organize from left to right, then wrap to the next line. If you effectively only have two levels of menu items – meaning there are no column headers – but want the items to organize in columns from top to bottom, you can use the special Columns menu items to organize your items into submenu columns manually. With the new Submenu Automatic Columns feature in UberMenu 3.2.1, you can automatically divide your second level items into columns organized top to bottom, rather than left to right, without manually adding Column items. Just set the number of columns you want to create for that submenu, and UberMenu will automatically divide up the item’s child items into evenly distributed, even-width columns. If you need more fine-grain control, you can still use the Column items, of course. Menu Segment Caching If you are using Menu Segments, you can now cache the output of the menu segment as HTML, stored as a transient in the database. This can mean a substantial processing savings, as this caching can mean running one query per submenu rather than dozens to process each menu item individually. You can enable and disable caching on each menu segment, as […]

Oxygen (Laborator)

Oxygen will create residual styling as well as residual scripting (submenu items will be hidden on hover out) and interfere with mobile menu functionality. So we’ll replace the theme’s menu system using Manual Integration to prevent the theme from interfering. Manual Integration 1. Create and activate a child theme We’ll make all edits in a child theme to preserve them in case you update the theme in the future. 2. Copy sidebar-menu-top.php to the child theme The theme’s menu system is located in this file, so we’ll be editing it to conditionally replace it with UberMenu. (If you’re using header type 1, it’s actually located in sidebar-menu.php instead). 3. Find the appropriate menu code The sidebar-menu-top.php template has multiple locations where the menu can be printed, depending on the header type you’ve chosen. You’ll need to locate the appropriate code for your header type. Here are the Oxygen header types with their IDs labeled so you can locate them in the template (note that Header Type 1 is in a different sidebar template) 4. Replace the theme menu code with UberMenu Let’s take the example of Header Type 2. So we’ll find the section for that header type Within that section, we’ll find the main menu section (we’re leaving the top menu intact in this example) Then we’ll conditionally replace this with UberMenu: As a second example, if you were replacing the third header type, it’d look like this: Note: if your mobile menu is hidden after this process, you may need to add this CSS: 5. Remove the theme toggle The theme’s mobile menu toggle is easiest to remove by just hiding it with CSS: Settings Configuration Depending on which header type you are using, you will now want to configure various menu settings. In the first example above […]