
How to add the Bellows accordion menu to your WordPress site via a widget

Vertical Menu in a Sidebar

The easiest way to add UberMenu to a widgetized sidebar is to use the UberMenu Widget. If there is an existing menu, you can try Automatic Integration if a theme location is defined there, or you can use Manual Integration code to insert the menu directly into the theme’s sidebar template. Both Vertical and Horizontal Menus If you want a main menu that is horizontal, and a sidebar menu that is vertical, and for both of them to be UberMenus, then you can create Multiple Configurations to configure the menus (and orientations) independently. In a right sidebar If you add a vertical UberMenu in a right sidebar, you’ll likely want to invert the flyouts to make them fly left instead. You can use the Invert Submenus setting for that configuration > Submenus

WordPress Mega Menu Plugin Announcement

Here’s a sneak peek of my new WordPress mega menu plugin, UberMenu, which will be released in the next few days. It’s been in development for a month and a half, and I’ve added all sorts of great features that makes it super easy to create fantastic looking mega menus in WordPress. It even integrates directly with the WordPress 3 Menu Management System, so you don’t have to change any code to use it. It’ll work out of the box with any theme that supports the WordPress 3 Menu System (calls add_theme_support(‘menus’) and has at least one registered menu area). Here are a few of the features: Works with WordPress 3 Menu System 10 Preset Styles included Great Control Panel options for customization and configuration Create your own styles easily with the Style Generator Add descriptions and images right from the WordPress Menus panel Supports both horizontal and vertical menu styles Includes both Fade and Slide effects Choose from click or hover submenu triggers UberMenu is fully widgetized, so adding non-link content to your mega menu is as easy as dragging and dropping a widget If widgets can’t take care of your needs, UberMenu also supports shortcode content, so the menu content is fully customizable And more! Check out the UberMenu Demo Site to find out more, and look for UberMenu to be released in the next couple of days.