Cherry (bdayh)

Cherry – Responsive News and Magazine Theme by bdayh creates some residual styling, residual scripting, and a double menu when integrated with UberMenu. To resolve this, we can replace the entire menu in Cherry with UberMenu Direct.

1. Open the theme’s header.php

2. You’ll see this code:

<?php $stick = ''; ?>
<?php if( bdayh_get_option( 'stick_nav' ) ) $stick = 'class="fixed-enabled"' ?>
  <nav id="cherry-nav" <?php echo $stick; ?>>
    <div class="content">
      <?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'nav' ) ) { ?>
      <?php  wp_nav_menu ( array( 'menu_class' => 'menu','cherry'=> 'ul', 'theme_location' => 'nav' )); ?>
      <?php } else { ?>
      <ul class="menu">
        <li class="home <?php if (is_home()) {echo "current-page-item";} ?> ">
          <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>">
          <?php _e('Home', 'cherry'); ?>
        <?php wp_list_categories(array(
            'title_li' => false,
            'hierarchical' => 1
          )); ?>
      <?php } ?>

3. Remove that code and replace it with

if( function_exists( 'uberMenu_direct' ) ){
  uberMenu_direct( 'nav' );

4. UberMenu should now be properly integrated.

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