Creating a Custom Skin

For significant customizations, you should always use custom.css. If you want to modify an existing skin, first copy it into custom.css, then begin editing. This paradigm means you never edit core UberMenu files, making future upgrades much simpler.
  1. Copy or rename custom-sample.css to custom.css in the ubermenu/custom/ directory (just like with wp-config-sample.php).
  2. In Appearance > UberMenu > Style Configuration, set Style Application to Custom. (This loads the custom.css file instead of a preset file)
  3. Start editing custom.css as you see fit!

The Customization Assistant can also be useful in determining selectors to target specific menu elements.

Customization Assistant

You should always back up this file before updating, just to be safe.

Don’t forget that the custom.css file won’t be loaded, and therefore won’t affect your site, unless you set your Style Application to Custom. custom.css replaces your skin, it does not augment it.

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