When UberMenu generates dynamic CSS based on your settings, it will place it in the of your site. Examples include padding for your images (based on the image size you set in the Control Panel), CSS Tweaks, as well as Sticky menu settings (if you are using the Sticky Extension), and Style Generator styles (if you choose not to print them to a file).
These styles are necessary for your UberMenu to function properly, so you should not remove them completely. However, you can copy them into an external stylesheet instead if you prefer. To disable the style output in the header, add this code to your theme’s functions.php
add_action( 'wp_loaded' , 'ubermenu_remove_CSS_output' ); function ubermenu_remove_CSS_output(){ global $uberMenu; remove_action( 'wp_head', array( $uberMenu , 'insertCSS' ), 100 ); }