Install the Plugin

There are two ways to install the plugin.

Option 1: WordPress Plugin Uploader

You can install UberMenu via the WordPress plugin uploader without unzipping the file.

  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
  3. Click Upload
  4. Click Choose File and select the UberMenu plugin package zip.
  5. Click Install Now.
  6. Complete the installation process as directed by WordPress.

Option 2: FTP

You can also install UberMenu via FTP

  1. Decompress the .zip file you downloaded from CodeCanyon.
  2. Find the ubermenu folder (this directory is created when you unzip the file).
  3. Upload the ubermenu folder to your wp-content/plugins directory.
  4. Navigate to your Control Panel: Plugins
  5. Under UberMenu, click Activate

What did this do?

Installing the Plugin doesn’t automatically change any navigation menus – so it immediately affect anything on your site, either. Once you install the plugin, you’ll get:

  • A new Control Panel Menu under Appearance > UberMenu
  • New options for Menu Items in the Appearance > Menus Control Panel
  • A new meta options box labeled Activate UberMenu Locations in Appearance > Menus

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