iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)

Heads up! 

This archived doc is for an old version of UberMenu. 

For the current documentation, please visit the UberMenu 3 Knowledgebase

iOS implements the following logic:

Scenario A: For menu items with a hover event (that is, menu items with a submenu)
  1. Tap #1 – display submenu. (Mimic Hover Event)
  2. Tap #2 – follow link. (Mimic click event)
Scenario B: For menu items without a hover event (no submenu)
  1. Tap #1 – follow link immediately

With the logic of Scenario A, it would not be possible to open submenus by tapping.

Hover-out (what the × is for)

Since iOS implements the “hover over” event as a tap on a menu item with a submenu, you’d expect it to implement the “hover out” event by tapping anywhere else; however, this is not the case. iOS only triggers the hover-out event when the hover-over event is triggered on a new element. That means that you can’t just tap elsewhere to close the submenu.

The solution employed by UberMenu is to add a small × on iOS devices when the submenu is open, which allows the user to close the submenu by clicking it. Otherwise, the submenu would be effectively uncloseable.

Once the item has been clicked, however, the link becomes “primed”. That means, the second time you click it, the link will be followed, rather than re-opening the submenu. Therefore, UberMenu provides a new button, ↓, in place of the ×, which allows the user to reopen the submenu by clicking the down arrow, or follow the link by clicking the link text.

Disabling the iOS Close button

If you’d like to disable the iOS Close button, you can do so in the UberMenu Control Panel under Basic Configuration

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