ThemeBlvd Framework ( Jump Start , Akita , Commodore , etc)

Are you using UberMenu 3? Please follow the UberMenu 3 JumpStart (ThemeBlvd) Integration Guide

Jump Start is an excellent framework by Jason over at ThemeBlvd. The only compatibility issue with UberMenu is some residual styling from the theme framework. But since the theme framework is so flexible and you’re likely already using a child theme, swapping out the menus is simple – just choose the appropriate code below.

Theme Blvd Framework Themes

The code below applies to all Theme Blvd Framework themes except Akita and Commodore:

(place in child theme functions.php)

 * Integrate ubermenu in themes running Theme Blvd Framework v2+.
function my_ubermenu_integration() {
    remove_all_actions( 'themeblvd_header_menu' );
    add_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu' , 'uberMenu_easyIntegrate' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_ubermenu_integration' );

Akita and Commodore

If you are using Akita or Commodore, use this special PHP instead of the code above.

(place in child theme functions.php)

 * Integrate ubermenu in Akita and Commodore. -- These two 
 * themes are unique in that the menu is in a separate location 
 * than the framework default.
function my_ubermenu_integration(){
    remove_all_actions( 'themeblvd_header_after' );
    add_action( 'themeblvd_header_after' , 'uberMenu_easyIntegrate' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_ubermenu_integration' );

Activating Easy Integation to finish the integration

Now just activate Easy Integration in the UberMenu Control Panel, set a menu for and enable the UberMenu Theme Location in Appearance > Menus, and you should be good to go!

If you get a layout issue (like the breadcrumbs are no longer visible), adding this code may help:


Old Instructions (just for reference)

(Place this in your child theme’s functions.php):

function replace_themeblvd_header_menu(){
    //Option 1: General Framework Menu Removal (this is already removed in Akita)
    //remove_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu', 'themeblvd_header_menu_default' );
    //Option 2: Theme- (Akita) specific menu removal (the menu that replaces the default in Akita out-of-the-box)
    //remove_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu', 'akita_header_menu' );
    //Option 3: Catch-all menu removal (just remove everthing - could have other impact)
    remove_all_actions( 'themeblvd_header_menu' );
    //Insert UberMenu
    add_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu' , 'uberMenu_easyIntegrate' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'replace_themeblvd_header_menu' );

Now just activate Easy Integration in the UberMenu Control Panel, set a menu for and enable the UberMenu Theme Location in Appearance > Menus, and you should be good to go!

If you get a layout issue (like the breadcrumbs are no longer visible), adding this code may help:


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