Multiple Headers in a Single Column

Normally, each row completely clears the previous row. So with this menu item hierarchy:

  • Top Level
    • One
      • Red
      • Blue
      • Green
    • Two
      • Purple
      • Orange
      • Yellow
      • Grey
      • Black
    • Three
      • Dog
      • Cat
      • Bird
    • Four
      • Horse
      • Cow
      • Zebra
    • Five
      • Hospital
      • Post Office
      • Fire Station
    • Six
      • Bank
      • School
      • Gas Station

Results in this layout:

As you can see, the second row clears the first row entirely.

To create the following layout instead:

You can use the Header Display menu item option, moving the flattening out the lower columns into third level menu items, and organize your items this way: (Display as Header Items in bold red)

  • Top Level
    • One
      • Red
      • Blue
      • Green
      • Four
      • Horse
      • Cow
      • Zebra
    • Two
      • Purple
      • Orange
      • Yellow
      • Grey
      • Black
      • Five
      • Hospital
      • Post Office
      • Fire Station
    • Three
      • Dog
      • Cat
      • Bird
      • Six
      • Bank
      • School
      • Gas Station

The menu item option looks like this (a third level menu item):

Header Display

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