Setup the Menu

When you install UberMenu, a tour will begin which will walk you through the different screens used to configure UberMenu. Here is the text version:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Menus
  2. Create a Menu, if you don’t already have one
  3. Add Menu Items to your Menu.
  4. Enable the Activate Mega Menu option on the top level menu items that should have mega submenus

    Activate Mega Menu
  5. Save your Menu
  6. Set your menu in the appropriate Theme Menu Location of your Menu in the Theme Locations Meta Box
    WordPress 3.6+

    In WordPress 3.6, the theme locations settings were moved. They now appear on the Appearance > Menus > Manage Locations tab

    as well as below the menu

    WordPress 3.5 and earlier

    Prior to WordPress 3.6, the Theme Locations settings appear in the main Appearance > Menus screen on the top left

    Theme Locations

  7. Activate the Menu Location as an UberMenu in the Activate Uber Menu Locations Meta Box

    activate ubermenu locations

  8. Customize your Mega Menu Items
    • First Level
      • Activate Mega Menu
      • Set Images
      • Set Descriptions
      • Set submenu alignment
      • Set submenu width (and columns if full width)
    • Second Level
      • Set Vertical Divisions
      • Set Content Overrides (shortcodes)
      • Set Widget Areas
      • Set Images
    • Third Level
      • Set Content Overrides (including shortcodes)
      • Set Widget Areas
      • Set Images
      • Set Headers
      • Set Highlights
      • Start new columns

If your menu does not appear on mobile devices or if both UberMenu and your theme menu appear, see Handling Responsive Theme Menus

Note that if your menu styles don’t look like the demo, you should check out the next section of the guide on Removing Residual Styling

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