
Are you using UberMenu 3? Please check out the updated UberMenu 3 Ultimatum integration guide

Ultimatum provides lots of flexibility, but its Ultimatum Menu Element does not seem to implement WordPress Menu Theme Locations, and therefore it does not meet the UberMenu requirements.

To integrate UberMenu, we’ll need to add a bit of PHP code that follows WordPress best practices of using Theme Locations instead of menu names.

First we need to Install the PHP Code Widget

Once that is installed, instead of using an Ultimatum Menu Element in your Header Layout, add a PHP Code Element instead.

In the body of the PHP Code Element, add the UberMenu Easy Integration Code

<?php uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); ?>

Don’t forget to follow the remainder of the Easy Integration Steps, including setting a menu for the UberMenu theme location and activating it.

UberMenu and Ultimatum

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