
  • There are no more specific symptoms for "Menu items completely unstyled"

Potential Diagnosis

  • UberMenu stylesheets not loaded

    If a WordPress theme does not include the required hooks (wp_head), UberMenu can’t load its stylesheets, so the menu won’t be styled.

  • Internet Explorer stylesheet limit reached

    Internet Explorer can only load 31 stylesheets per page. If your theme or another plugin is loading a large number of stylesheets, and the limit is reached before UberMenu’s stylesheets are loaded, UberMenu’s styles will not appear at all in Internet Explorer, because IE has ignored those stylesheets entirely.

  • UberMenu stylesheets disabled

    If the basic.css file has been disabled in the Control Panel, the menu will not function properly if the styles have not been included elsewhere.

  • Menu Item Classes have been stripped

    Sometimes, a theme or plugin will use a filter to strip out the standard WordPress menu item classes like menu-item. When these are removed, UberMenu’s styles, which rely on these classes, cannot be applied. Themes and plugins should never remove core functionality.