Invalid Mailbox Syntax

If you’re using a mail tag for a dynamic text or hidden input in the To: field, you will get warnings from Contact Form 7 If you click the link provided by CF7 beside the error notice, it explains why: Invalid mailbox syntax is used In short, CF7 expects you to enter either a valid mail address, or a mail tag for an *email* form tag. The CF7 DTX form tags are not email tags. So CF7 considers these to be “invalid”. CF7 does not provide a way to register valid tags, so there is no way around the warning. But it’s just a warning, nothing is actually broken. As long as you are sure the tag you’ve created will always return a valid email address, you can safely ignore the warning.

UberMenu Waiting to Load…

If you get the message “UberMenu Loading…” or “UberMenu Waiting to Load…” in your admin bar, it means that the UberMenu javascript has not run on your site. This can occur for a few reasons Javascript error on your site If you have an unrelated javascript error, this can prevent UberMenu’s javascript from being able to run. Here’s How to check for Javascript Errors One common error is themes loading the incorrect version of jQuery Solution: Resolve the javascript errors on your site so that your javascript runs correctly. UberMenu javascript assets not loaded UberMenu includes its javascript file, ubermenu.min.js via the wp_enqueue_scripts hook, and loads in your footer. If you theme does not include the standard wp_footer() hook in its footer.php, then this script can’t load. Solution: Add the wp_footer() hook to your theme. Any professional theme should already have this hook present. Minified/Concatenated scripts If the UberMenu JS loads under normal circumstances, but not when you have a caching/minification/concatenation plugin enabled, it suggests that you have an error in one of the javascript sources that is included in the concatenated javascript file, which prevents the UberMenu JS from running. Solution: Locate the script causing the issue, and either resolve the error or exclude it from the minification/concatenation process.

Aaika (King-Theme)

Aaika theme creates residual styling, so we’ll want to use Manual Integration to prevent the theme from interfering. Manual Integration Remember to always make theme edits in a child theme to preserve them when updating The file that needs to be edited depends on which Header you choose in the theme settings The theme will show you where the template file is located: templates/header/header-{x}.php Copy the appropriate header template into the child theme in an identical directory path, e.g. aaika-child/templates/header/header-5.php Then replace the theme’s menu with UberMenu. Here’s an example from the Header 5 template: Centering Menu Once the menu is integrated, you’ll want to use the inner centering settings to center the items to your content area.

Directory (AIT)

The Directory theme by AIT causes significant residual styling which interferes with the menu, and therefore requires Manual Integration Integration The code that needs to be replaced is in the directory/Templates/snippets/branding-header.php file. The residual styling is rooted in the #access ID, so we’ll replace that with the manual integration code conditionally: Note: you’ll want to make this change in a child theme in order to preserve the changes for next time you update the theme Now UberMenu can function without interference from the theme. Custom CSS for Positioning Now that UberMenu can function unimpeded, we’ll add some Custom CSS in the Desktop CSS Tweaks in order to position the menu the same way the original menu was positioned (aligned with the edge of the slider) If you are using a style with thick borders on the bottom of the header, we’ll also add this modification to the header, which prevents other elements from overlapping the border image and the background image from repeating: Recommended Settings These settings are not required, but they are recommended if you want to make your menu display similarly to the original theme menu. Control Panel Menu Bar Alignment – Right Bound Submenu To – Unbounded Customizer Skin – Vanilla Top Level Text Transform – Uppercase Top Level Font Size – 15px Top Level Font Color – #444 Top Level Font Color [Current] – #E20202 Top Level Font Color [Activated] – #E20202

How can I hide the “Loading ShiftNav…” / “ShiftNav is Waiting to Load…” message

ShiftNav introduced a javascript fallback in v1.4, which allows the plugin to recover in most cases even when other scripts on the site are malfunctioning. Since this has worked very well, this message has now been removed from the plugin in v1.5 When the page loads, you may see a flash of the message “Loading ShiftNav…” or “ShiftNav is Waiting to Load…” This message is only visible to logged in administrators. Your end users will never see it This message serves an important purpose. If there is a javascript error on your page, the message will remain, alerting you to this fact. Hovering over the message reveals more information: If the message disappears, then ShiftNav was able to initialize. If you really don’t want to see this message, you can add this custom CSS to hide it: If the message does not disappear, it means you either have a javascript error that prevents ShiftNav from loading, or else ShiftNav’s javascript was not run at all – which would indicate that either the resource is not being served properly, or your site is missing the wp_footer() hook and therefore not requesting the script at all.

If UberMenu replaces your responsive menu but not your main menu

With some themes, UberMenu may replace only the theme’s responsive or mobile menu, but the main menu remains unchanged. This happens when the theme calls wp_nav_menu twice with the same theme_location. As a result, UberMenu is only applied to the first instance of the theme location, and if the mobile menu is printed first by the theme, only the mobile menu will be affected. Any changes you make to your theme should be done in a child theme. Generally this just means copying over the header.php and modifying it accordingly. Many themes already include a starter child theme for you. Note that if you just want to use UberMenu as both your main and mobile menu, simply remove the wp_nav_menu call for the mobile menu. UberMenu only needs one instance to be responsive. If you want to maintain your theme’s mobile/responsive menu but use UberMenu as your main menu, the solution is to separate these two menus with two different theme locations. Changing the Theme Location Instance (UberMenu As of UberMenu v2.4.0.1, UberMenu offers a “Theme Location Instance” setting, so you can tell UberMenu to target the second instance of a theme location rather than the first. So if UberMenu is replacing your mobile menu, but you want it to replace your desktop menu, try changing this value to 2 in your Advanced Settings For many cases, this will be all you need to do. However, in certain cases you may need to separate the theme locations manually. Proceed to the next section if this doesn’t work, for example: If you are using multiple UberMenus, this instance value will apply to all of them; so if some of your theme locations need instance 1 and others need instance 2, you’ll need to sort that out via templates (as shown […]

Featured thumbnail – there is no “Use as Featured Image” option

In WordPress 3.3, the way Featured Images were handled changed, making the “Use as featured image” option in the Media Manager “disappear”. UberMenu 1.1.4 was released to make UberMenu compatible with the new WordPress release (please see the UberMenu change log at the bottom of the product page for more information). If you are still using UberMenu 1.1.3 or earlier, and have upgraded to WordPress 3.3, you have two options: upgrade to UberMenu 2.0 (see the important upgrade instructions), which you can download through your CodeCanyon Downloads page.

Why don’t I have any UberMenu Widget Areas available?

To keep your control panel as tidy as possible, UberMenu Widget Areas are not enabled by default. To enable them, navigate to Appearance > UberMenu and enter an integer greater than zero in the Number of Widget Areas box. Save the options and you will see UberMenu Widget Areas appear in the Widgets control panel. Please review the Adding Widgets to UberMenu instructions. Please note that adding widgets to top level menu items is a separate process, since this is almost never what is really needed: Top-Level Widgets