How can I hide the “Loading ShiftNav…” / “ShiftNav is Waiting to Load…” message

ShiftNav introduced a javascript fallback in v1.4, which allows the plugin to recover in most cases even when other scripts on the site are malfunctioning. Since this has worked very well, this message has now been removed from the plugin in v1.5

When the page loads, you may see a flash of the message “Loading ShiftNav…” or “ShiftNav is Waiting to Load…”

This message is only visible to logged in administrators. Your end users will never see it

This message serves an important purpose. If there is a javascript error on your page, the message will remain, alerting you to this fact. Hovering over the message reveals more information:

If the message disappears, then ShiftNav was able to initialize.

If you really don’t want to see this message, you can add this custom CSS to hide it:

  display:none !important;

If the message does not disappear, it means you either have a javascript error that prevents ShiftNav from loading, or else ShiftNav’s javascript was not run at all – which would indicate that either the resource is not being served properly, or your site is missing the wp_footer() hook and therefore not requesting the script at all.

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