Quick Setup

This guide gets you up and running as quickly as possibly with minimal configuration. Check out the Configuration section of the guide for full options

1. Download the ShiftNav zip. Upload it to your WordPress installation.

2. Activate the ShiftNav plugin

3. Go to Appearance > Menus and create your menu to be used in ShiftNav. To set ShiftNav-specific settings, hover over the menu item and click the Shift button that appears.

4. Go to Appearance > Menus > Manage Locations and assign your menu to the ShiftNav [Main] Location

5. Go to Appearance > ShiftNav. Click the “Toggle Bar” tab.

6. Set your Toggle Breakpoint (959 is a good starting point)

7. Provide the selector for the menu you want to hide. This is specific to your theme, and often looks like .primary-nav, #primary-menu, .top-nav, .main_menu, etc. For UberMenu 2, the selector is #megaMenu.

For UberMenu 3, just check the special Hide UberMenu box.

8. Click Save Changes

9. ShiftNav is now installed and running on your site. You can configure it further in the Appearance > ShiftNav Panel.

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