Submenu Type [Pro]

In ShiftNav (free), there will only be one option: Always visible. The submenu items will always be showing (you can choose to indent them in the menu settings).

ShiftNav Pro offers two additional types of submenus – accordion and shift submenus.

Setting the Submenu Type

You can set a global default submenu type, or a different submenu type for each menu item

Setting a global submenu type default

In the ShiftNav Control Panel, you can set a default Submenu Type. This submenu type will be used by any item in this ShiftNav instance that has its individual submenu type set to “Menu Default”. The individual item’s submenu type is set to Menu Default by default, so this will affect any menu items which have not had their Submenu Type Default set explicitly.

Setting a submenu type for an individual menu item

The submenu type can also be set on individual menu items in the menu item settings. The default is Menu Default, which will inherit the global setting from the Control Panel.

Remember, you set the settings for a submenu via the Submenu tab of the parent item Menu Item Settings

Accordion & Shift Submenu Types

Accordion Submenus

Accordion submenus expand below the parent menu item, sliding down the contents below them. Accordion submenus are designated by a down-arrow. Here’s an example of an accordion submenu:


Accordion submenus are closed by touching the arrow to retract the submenu.

Shift Submenus

Shift Submenus shift a new panel over the top of the existing menu, so that only the parent menu item and its submenu become visible. Shift submenus are designated by a right-arrow.

In this example, ShiftNav Pro is a Shift submenu


Shift submenus are closed by touching the Back button in the menu.

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