Mega Menu + Descriptions

Heads up! 

This archived doc is for an old version of UberMenu. 

For the current documentation, please visit the UberMenu 3 Knowledgebase

Are you using UberMenu 3? Please visit the Descriptions article in the UberMenu 3 Knowledgebase

Adding descriptions to your Menus is simple with UberMenu. Here’s how to set them up:

  1. Activate the description levels you’d like to use in the Appearance > UberMenu > Descriptions, Shortcodes, Widgets control panel. Turn on the levels you’d like to activate.

    Note: this is done because descriptions are often set by default to the excerpt or full post text – if you only want to display descriptions on a particular level, this saves you from deleting all of the menu item descriptions on other levels.

  2. In the Appearance > Menus panel, click the Screen Options tab in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. In the Show advanced menu properties section, check the Description box.
  4. Now in every Menu Item box, there should be a text area labeled Description. Enter text to set a description.

  5. Save your menu.

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