
  • UberMenu appears twice / duplicated
  • UberMenu does not appear
    UberMenu replaces the existing menu by targeting a theme_location on a specific wp_nav_menu call. Because we're injecting the menu markup into the middle of a theme template, the theme's CSS, javascript, and PHP code can affect the rendering of the menu.

Potential Diagnosis

  • Unrelated javascript error

    If another plugin or your theme throws a javascript error before UberMenu’s javascript has been executed, it will prevent UberMenu from functioning properly, including submenu positioning, click events, responsive menu toggling, and more.

  • Duplicate Google Maps API

    If two or more plugins (or theme) load the Google Maps API, and the library is loaded twice, a javascript error will occur and the maps will stop working.

  • Theme Location is not activated

    UberMenu setup requires you to select which Theme Location to target and turn into an UberMenu in Appearance > Menus. If you do not select a Theme Location, UberMenu will not be applied to any menu on the site.

  • Theme’s wp_nav_menu call does not use the theme_location parameter

    The wp_nav_menu() call in the theme MUST use the theme_location parameter for UberMenu to be applied to that menu.

  • wp_nav_menu call uses ‘menu’ parameter

    If a theme’s wp_nav_menu() call uses the menu parameter, the critical theme_location parameter will be ignored – and therefore UberMenu cannot target the menu.

  • wp_nav_menu is called twice with the same theme_location parameter (UberMenu 2)

    Some themes call wp_nav_menu twice with the same theme_location parameter – doing so may have strange results.

  • wp_nav_menu output is filtered or manipulated by theme

    Some themes will manipulate the UberMenu output in a non-standard way, resulting in breaking the menu style, layout, and functionality, as the markup is not as expected.

  • HTML5 Nav Element (menu displayed as unstyled list)

    If the menu is printed in HTML5 mode, IE will require something like the HTML5 shiv to properly render HTML5 elements; older versions do not support HTML5 elements out of the box.

  • Invalid doctype

    If the doctype cannot be properly interpreted by IE, IE will revert to Quirks mode, which will essentially display the site as IE6. The document must have a valid doctype, and it must be the first line in the file.

  • HTML Syntax Errors (half-rendered menu)

    If you have an HTML syntax error in your menu (generally introduced via a widget or a content override), IE may seem to stop rendering the menu half way through (at the point of the error), leaving the remainder of the menu unstyled.