Installing Updates

If you are updating to UberMenu 3, please refer to The UberMenu 3 Knowledgebase Update and Migration Guides

Installing updates just involves replacing the old plugin files with the new ones. It’s always a good idea to back everything up before you upgrade, especially if you have made any changes to UberMenu’s files, as the upgrade will overwrite all files. UberMenu settings set through the control panel will all remain intact.

Update alerts

To get an email alert when a new update is available, go to your CodeCanyon Downloads page and check the “Get Notified by email when this item is updated” box below UberMenu (see screenshot under below).

How to get updates

To download the updated plugin zip, go to your CodeCanyon Downloads page and re-download the file. This will always give you the latest version of the plugin.

Now is a great time to rate the plugin 5 stars if you haven’t already. Giving 5 star ratings helps me keep pushing out feature and maintenance release updates. Thanks so much!

Backing Up

  1. It is always a good idea to back up your plugin before making any changes
  2. Open your FTP program and FTP into your site and navigate to the wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Download the ubermenu folder and save it as a backup
  4. If you have edited any files, especially the custom.css or custom.js files, you should back up these files.

If you want an auto-backup plugin, you might want to check out WordPress Backup to Dropbox


Special update instructions

Sometimes, a release will require special update instructions due to a significant code change. If you are upgrading from version X to version Y which match the special instructions listed below, be sure to follow the extra steps in those instructions. Otherwise, follow the normal update instructions.

Normal update instructions

  1. Download the new version of the plugin from CodeCanyon (the latest version can always be found on your CodeCanyon Downloads page.
  2. In your browser, log into the WordPress control panel.
  3. Navigate to Plugins
  4. Deactivate UberMenu (optional, but generally a good idea, especially if you are deleting the old version in step 6)
  5. Switch to your FTP program, FTP into your site and navigate to the wp-content/plugins directory.
  6. After backing up (especially custom.css if you are using one), delete UberMenu (the entire ubermenu folder). Strictly speaking, this is optional, but makes the upload process more straightforward. You can also overwrite the old files if you prefer. (Please check for version-specific upgrade instructions; sometimes a deletion is strongly recommended)
  7. On your desktop, decompress the zip file you downloaded from CodeCanyon
  8. Open the unzipped folder, which will contain a new ubermenu directory
  9. FTP the new ubermenu folder into the wp-content/plugins directory on your server.
  10. If you saved an edited copy of your custom.css file as a custom preset (or custom.js), upload it to ubermenu/custom/ directory.
  11. If you are using the Style Generator, go to the UberMenu Control Panel and re-save your settings to regenerate the Style Generator’s style sheet if you have deleted it from the server
  12. Ensure that your permissions are set properly on the plugins/ubermenu directory. If your server can’t read the files, you might run into errors. This can happen depending on how your FTP account is set up. Be sure to recreate the timthumb directory permissions if you are using timthumb
  13. Switch back to your browser and go back to the Plugins panel
  14. Reactivate UberMenu by clicking Activate

Note: If you are running a local server, just copy the files rather than FTPing

Admin Update alerts

In-plugin update alerts were removed as of v2.4 in favor of CodeCanyon’s email updates system, as too many customers were having issues with improperly configured cURL setups on their servers slowing down WordPress.

When an update is available, you will receive an alert in your WordPress admin bar. As of version 2.3, you can disable these in your UberMenu Control Panel under Advanced Settings > Update Alerts.

You can also sign up for updates through your CodeCanyon Downloads Page, to be emailed about important releases.

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