
You can use the WordPress Customizer to customize certain Bellows settings.

Bellows Accordion Menu WordPress Customizer

The Customizer Screen

In your admin panel, visit Appearance > Customize. Or on the top admin bar, just click the “Customize” button.

On the left side of the screen, click one of the Bellows sections. There will be one section for each Configuration you create. By default, there will be 1 Configuration – Bellows [main].

Inside the Bellows configuration section, you will see multiple sub sections, into which the settings are organized.

Previewing and Saving

Each subsection has various settings you can configure. When you change a setting, a preview will appear on the right of the screen.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, you can click Save & Publish to make your changes live on your site. If you want to discard your changes, just close the Customizer.

General Settings

The General section is for settings that apply to the menu globally, including the Skin, Folding, Alignment, etc. For example, change the skin and preview the result

Top Level Styles

These settings are available in Bellows Pro

The Top Level Styles section controls the styles specifically of the top level of the menu – the part visible when all submenus are collapsed. These settings will override the styles for the currently selected skin.

You can change the colors however you like

Submenu Styles

These settings are available in Bellows Pro

The Submenu Styles section specifically focuses on the styles of submenus and their items. These settings will override the styles for the currently selected skin.

You can change the styles and preview them before applying.


These settings are available in Bellows Pro

The font section allows you to change and preview the Font

Remember, this does not actually load any font assets, it just set the CSS font-family property.

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