Quick Start Video Tutorial
It’s recommended that you read through the Overview article to get a high level understanding of how Bellows works before moving forward
Installation & Activation

First, download the Pro plugin zip via the link in your confirmation email, or through your sevenspark.com downloads page
In your WordPress admin panel, visit Plugins > Add New, and upload the plugin zip file. When installation is complete, activate the plugin.
Read the Detailed Installation Instructions if you’re unfamiliar with installing WordPress plugins.
Tip: Are you upgrading from Bellows Lite? Just install the Pro plugin as usual. The Lite version will be deactivated and your settings will be inherited. For more details, see Upgrading from Lite to Pro
Creating a menu
Visit Appearance > Menus

You can create a new menu, or work with an existing menu. This is where you will manage the structure and contents of your accordion menu.
Drag items into your menu to create your menu structure. Child items (those that are indented below another item) will be revealed in the accordion menu when toggled from the parent item.
Not sure how to manage your menus in WordPress? See the detailed How to create a menu guide.
Configuring the menu
The main menu settings are set via the Bellows Control Panel, which can be accessed via Appearance > Bellows Menu

Here you can change settings such as the menu skin, folding strategy, menu position, and more.
For detailed instructions on using the Control Panel, visit Menu Settings & Configuration
Configuring Individual Menu Items (Pro version)

To configure the settings for individual menu items, visit Appearance > Menus. Hover over a menu item and click the “Bellows” button to open the menu item settings for that menu item. Here you can set icons and images, disable the link, override the URL, and more.
For detailed instructions on how to use the menu item settings, visit Menu Item Settings
Inserting the menu
To add a Bellows accordion menu to your site, you can use a shortcode, widget, or PHP code. Most users will use a shortcode or widget.
For detailed information on integration, please see the Integration – Insert an Accordion Menu section of the Knowledgebase.

To generate the shortcode you need, visit the Control Panel and click on the Integration section. You can select the menu you want to use, and Bellows will generate the shortcode to use that menu with your selected configuration. Just copy the shortcode and paste it where you’d like to use it.
For detailed information on using Shortcodes, please visit Integration > Shortcode

To add a Bellows accordion menu via a widget, visit the Appearance > Widgets screen and drag the Bellows Accordion Widget into the widget area of your choice, then select your menu and configuration in the settings.
For detailed information on using widgets, please visit Integration > Widget