
Bellows provides shortcodes that can be used to drop an accordion menu into your content wherever shortcodes are accepted.

Main Usage Scenarios

Most commonly, the shortcode integration method is useful for adding an accordion menu either in your post or page content, or when using a page builder to add custom content blocks that accept shortcodes.

Generating the shortcode

The Bellows Control Panel will assist you with generating the appropriate shortcode so that you can copy and paste the generated code.

1. Navigate to the Bellows Control Panel via your admin panel > Appearance > Bellows Menu.

2. Select the tab of the Configuration you’d like to use for your menu

3. Under the Integration section, you’ll see the Integration Code. Select the menu you wish to use

You can choose either a specific menu or a theme location. Most of the time you would use a specific menu and will ignore the theme location setting.

4. The PHP and Shortcode will change based on your selections. Click to select the shortcode, then copy the text

5. Paste the shortcode in your post content, page builder, or anywhere that accepts shortcodes.

6. The menu will then appear in your content

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