Upgrading from Lite to Pro

Bellows Lite and Bellows Pro share a common codebase, but are two independent plugins. You will only have one activated at a time.

Installing the Upgrade

When you purchase Bellows Pro, you’ll receive a zip file to download. Follow the Installation Instructions to install the Bellows Pro plugin.

If you currently have Bellows Lite active, the Bellows Pro installation process will attempt to disable Bellows Lite.

Check that the Lite plugin has been disabled

Double check that the Bellows Accordion Menu plugin is disabled and only Bellows Pro – Accordion Menu is enabled. Leaving both active may cause errors.


Your settings will automatically be inherited by the Bellows Pro plugin. There is no need to do any settings migration when upgrading to Bellows Pro

Check out the new settings

Bellows Pro adds Menu Item Settings, Customizer style settings, Autopopulation capabilities, the Menu Code Generator UI, and more!

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