Video Tutorials

Tip: When watching on YouTube, you can navigate directly to different sections of longer videos using the timestamp links in the video’s description.

Getting Started

Quick Start Guide

A must-watch overview for getting up and running with UberMenu

Menu Item Settings Overview

An overview of how to change the settings for individual menu items.

Manual Integration

If your theme does not support automatic integration, you can add the menu manually.

Residual Styling / Manual Integration Tool

This tool helps you identify residual styling and locate the source in your theme templates.

Building Menus

Adding Menu Items (Menu Bar)

Get started adding items to your menu through the WordPress menus interface

Creating Flyout Submenus

Create normal, non-mega, single-column flyout submenus

Creating Mega Submenus

Create multi-columns mega submenus

Adding Item Descriptions

Add description text below the Navigation Label

Adding Icons

Add Font Awesome Icons beside your menu items

Adding Images

Upload images to be displayed in your menu

Adding Custom Content & Shortcodes

Add custom content via shortcodes, such as maps, contact forms, and more

Recreating the Demo Menu Walkthrough

Part 1: Overview & Menu Bar

An overview of the menu design, and creating the top level items.

Part 2: Flyout Submenu

Recreating the “Flyout” demo submenu

Part 3: Mega Menu Submenu

Recreating the “Mega Menu” demo submenu

Part 4: Images Submenu

Recreating the “Images” demo submenu

Part 5: Advanced Submenu

Recreating the “Advanced” demo submenu with map and contact form

Part 6: Tabs Submenu

Recreating the “Tabs” demo submenu

Part 7: Dynamic Submenu

Recreating the “Dynamic” submenu using Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Terms

Part 8: The Works Submenu

Recreating the “The Works” demo submenu


How to make your submenus expand up instead of down

Invert your submenus with this setting.

How to make the submenu wider than the menu bar

Expand your submenu beyond the extents of the menu bar

How to add multiple headers in a single column

Use the special [column] item to stack multiple groups in a single column

How to open a link in a new window

Enable the _blank target on your links to open them in a new window/tab

How to set a custom breakpoint

Change the viewport width at which your menu collapses to a responsive menu

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