Mobius (SimpleThemes)

Mobius will cause residual styling and break the menu, so we’ll use Manual Integration to replace the theme’s menu system.

Manual Integration

To replace the theme’s menu with UberMenu, add this code to your child theme’s functions.php

function st_main_nav(){
	if( function_exists( 'ubermenu' ) ) ubermenu( 'main' , array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) );
add_action( 'st_header', 'st_main_nav', 3);

Styling & Positioning

By default, the menu will appear below the logo. If you want it to appear to the right of the logo, you can add this CSS to align the logo left:

#header #site-title{

then set the UberMenu Menu Bar Alignment to “Right” in the Control Panel.

You may also wish to set your Bound Submenu To setting to “Unbounded” to allow the submenu to expand the width of the site content.

The Vanilla skin works well, and you can adjust the Top Level Item Font Colors in the Customizer to make the text white.

You can also adjust the Top Level Item Vertical Padding to increase the menu height. Around 30px works well, depending on your logo height.

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