Where to integrate: Locate Theme Template Backtrace

Knowledgebase Docs » UberMenu 3
UberMenu 3

Since v3.6

UberMenu Control Panel > General Settings > Theme Integration > Locate Theme Template Backtrace

The Locate Theme Template Backtrace feature helps you locate which theme template contains the theme’s menu code that needs to be replaced when manually integrating the menu. In many themes, this is just the header.php, but in more complex themes it may be buried in a sub-template or other theme file.

When you enable this setting, administrators will be shown a notice above UberMenus on the site:

The notice will list a backtrace of theme templates called. Check these templates in this order, looking for the appropriate code that needs to be replaced. The first template listed should contain the wp_nav_menu() call, and in most cases this will also contain the wrapper that needs to be replaced.

Please note, the message only appears above UberMenu instances – that is, you must have the menu integrated (generally, via Automatic Integration) in order for the backtrace to appear. If your theme does not support theme locations for the menu, then this method may not be useful.