Thesis (DIYThemes)

Thesis 2 does not use theme locations when creating its menus, so unfortunately UberMenu can’t automatically replace them.

I’ve written a custom Thesis Box that will allow you to drag and drop UberMenu 3 into your Thesis templates.

Download Custom Box

1. If you haven’t already, install UberMenu

Quick Start Guide

2. Download the box above

Click the link above to download

3. Install the box

In your WordPress admin, go to Thesis > Manage Boxes. Click Upload Box. Select the zip you downloaded and upload it to Thesis.

When the upload is complete, check the box next to “UberMenu Thesis Box” and then click the “Save Boxes” button

4. Add the UberMenu Box to your template

Go to the Thesis skin editor, and add the new “UberMenu Nav Menu Box”. Drag it into your template. You can configure its settings (similar to the UberMenu widget) if necessary.

Remove the original menu (“Nav Menu”) from the layout.

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