Blade (greatives)

Blade will cause residual styling that interferes with UberMenu. We can use manual integration to resolve this.

Desktop Manual Integration

1. Setup your child theme

If you haven’t already, be sure to install and activate your child theme. We will make all changes here.

2. Copy over the Header template

Copy the theme’s header.php file to your child theme. This is where we will do the manual integration

3. Find the theme’s menu code

In the child theme header.php, find the appropriate code block to replace, which looks like this:

<!-- Main Menu -->
<nav id="grve-main-menu" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $grve_main_menu_class_string ); ?>">
	<div class="grve-wrapper">
		<?php blade_grve_header_nav( $grve_main_menu ); ?>
<!-- End Main Menu -->

Please note, the theme repeats this code multiple times in the header.php, and you’ll need to replace the proper one according to your configuration. If you aren’t sure which block is correct for your configuration, you can enable the Locate Theme Template Backtrace setting and look for the line number in the header.php to identify the proper code block.

4. Replace the theme’s menu with UberMenu

Once you find the appropriate code block, conditionally replace it with UberMenu:

<?php if( function_exists( 'ubermenu' ) ): ?>
	<?php ubermenu( 'main' , array( 'theme_location' => 'grve_header_nav' ) ); ?>
<?php else: ?>
	<!-- Main Menu -->
	<nav id="grve-main-menu" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $grve_main_menu_class_string ); ?>">
		<div class="grve-wrapper">
			<?php blade_grve_header_nav( $grve_main_menu ); ?>
	<!-- End Main Menu -->
<?php endif; ?>

The integration is now complete.


Depending on how you want your menu to work, you may want to configure the following settings in the Control Panel for your main configuration.

Menu Bar Alignment: Right

This will float the menu bar to the right to keep it inline with the other elements in your header.

Menu Bar Margin Top: 24px

This will center your menu bar in the header area. You may need to adjust the value based on your logo size.

Bound Submenu To: Unbounded

Unbounding the submenu allows it to expand beyond the width of the menu bar.

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