Page Builders

Using UberMenu with Page Builders

To use UberMenu within a page builder layout, you can paste the UberMenu Shortcode inside a page builder block that supports shortcode processing. Various page builders call these blocks “custom content”, “HTML”, “Text”, “Shortcode”, etc. Please refer to your page builder’s documentation for the appropriate block type to handle shortcodes.

Do not use the builder’s “Menu” or “Nav” block type. These blocks are generally specifically for the builder’s built-in navigation and will interfere with UberMenu.

Specific page builder support

You can use UberMenu with any page builder that has a custom block that supports shortcodes, but we have guides for the following, with native support noted:


Native support since UberMenu v3.6

How to add UberMenu to an Elementor layout


Build your header with the Divi Header Builder

Gutenberg (WordPress standard block editor)

Native support since UberMenu v3.5

Add UberMenu to the WordPress Block Editor / Gutenberg

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