Filters added as of UberMenu version 3.2.1
These filters allow you to alter the image that is displayed with your menu items, beyond the controls in the menu item settings.
The ubermenu_item_image_id
filter allows you to filter the image ID for a menu item. The ID must be a valid WordPress image attachment ID in your database. If your target image is an attachment in the database, use this filter.
Your registered callback will be called once for each menu item. Return the ID of the image attachment resource you want to display.
Example: Replace a specific menu item’s image with a specific image
add_filter( 'ubermenu_item_image_id' , 'um_filter_image_id' , 10 , 2 ); function um_filter_image_id( $img_id , $ubermenu_item ){ if( $ubermenu_item->getID() == 75 ){ $img_id = 562; } return $img_id; }
To get the ID of the menu item, use
To get a specific setting, use
$ubermenu_item->getSetting( $setting_slug );
To get the object that the WordPress Menu Item points to, use
$menu_item = $ubermenu_item->get_item(); $menu_item->type; //the type of menu item, e.g. 'post_type' $menu_item->object; // the type of object the item points to, e.g. 'post'
The ubermenu_item_image_src
filter allows you to filter the image src for a menu item. If your image URL is an external resource, or not a WordPress image attachment, use this filter.
Your registered callback will be called once for each menu item. The returned array must follow the structure of the wp_get_attachment_image_src return array.
Example: Display the author’s gravatar for posts
add_filter( 'ubermenu_item_image_src' , 'um_filter_image_src' , 10 , 2 ); function um_filter_image_src( $img_src , $ubermenu_item ){ $menu_item = $ubermenu_item->get_item(); //Get the WordPress menu item object //Only filter if this is a Post menu item if( $menu_item->type == 'post_type' && $menu_item->object == 'post' ){ $post_author_id = get_post_field( 'post_author', $menu_item->ID ); //Get the author for this post //Return an array with the URL and dimensions of the gravatar image return array( //like 0 => get_avatar_url( $post_author_id , array( 'size' => 35 ) ), //URL 1 => 35, //width 2 => 35, //height ); } return $img_src; }
The ubermenu_item_image
filter gives you complete control over the HTML output for the image. If you want complete control, use this filter; but be aware that the UberMenu image settings won’t apply here, so you may need to custom style your image.
Your registered callback will be called once for each menu item. Return the image markup to be displayed.
add_filter( 'ubermenu_item_image' , 'um_filter_image' , 10 , 2 ); function um_filter_image( $img , $ubermenu_item ){ $menu_item = $ubermenu_item->get_item(); if( $menu_item->type == 'post_type' && $menu_item->object == 'pages' ){ $img = '<img src="/path/to/my/img.jpg" class="my classes" alt="My image" />; } return $img; }
The ubermenu_item_image_attributes
filter allows you to control the attributes of the img tag. You are passed an array of attributes in key/value pairs that you can add, remove, or modify.
Your registered callback will be called once for each menu item image. Return the array of attributes to be applied to the image tag.
add_filter( 'ubermenu_item_image_attributes' , 'um_filter_image_atts' , 10 , 2 ); function um_filter_image_atts( $atts , $ubermenu_item ){ $atts['alt'] = 'My image alt text'; return $atts; }
Dynamic Terms Images
Since WordPress terms do not have featured images (like posts do), there’s no way to assign images to dynamic terms. However, you can use the following filter to programmatically assign an image from your media library to the items
Your registered callback will be called once for each dynamic term result. Return the image attachment ID to be used.
//This example looks for the term with ID 52, and assigns it an image with ID 295 //Of course, if you are using the term metadata, you can code this dynamically instead //using get_term_meta() add_filter( 'ubermenu_dt_image' , 'um_dynamic_terms_image' , 10 , 3 ); function um_dynamic_terms_image( $img_id , $menu_item_id , $term ){ //For term 52, use image 295 if( $term->term_id == 52 ){ $img_id = 295; } //Or more generically //$img_id = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'my-featured-image', true ); //where my-featured-image is your meta key for the image ID return $img_id; }
More about term metadata: