
Integration is the process of inserting UberMenu into your site layout. There are a variety of ways to do this, and the proper choice for your application depends on your theme.

Automatic Integration

Automatic Integration is the easiest way to replace your theme’s menu, as it does not require any code edits. If your theme meets the requirements, this is the simplest option. However, sometimes it’s not possible depending on how the theme is coded, in which case you’ll use one of the options below

Manual Integration

Manual Integration simply requires pasting a line of PHP code (which you can generate in the UberMenu settings panel) into the appropriate location in your theme’s template. In most cases, you will also remove or conditionally exclude the theme’s default menu. Manual integration can be used to place a menu anywhere in your theme templates.

Manual integration is also generally used to Resolve Theme Interference.

The Locate Theme Template Backtrace Tool can help easily locate the appropriate template file and line number for the theme menu code.

Widgets and Shortcodes

It is also possible to add UberMenu to your site via Shortcode or Widget

Page Builders

You can also add UberMenu via page builders such as the Full Site Editor, WordPress/Gutenberg Block Editor, Elementor, Divi, or any page builder that supports adding shortcodes within a block.


UberMenu provides a PHP API if you are doing more advanced integration.