
UberMenu is built to be as efficient as possible, but once you are done designing your menu, you can optimize it even further.

Image Optimization

If you’ve added images to your menu, this means you’re loading extra resources on your site that you wouldn’t be otherwise without UberMenu. Make sure you are loading those resources as efficiently as possible by choosing an appropriate Image Size in the Control Panel. You can also use lazy loading for submenu images (which you can enable in the Control Panel).

Learn more about Image Optimization

CSS & JS Optimization

Whether it’s UberMenu or any other module on your site, you’ll want to optimize your code when you move to production to get the fastest load times by minimizing bandwidth and HTTP server requests.

Learn more about Asset Optimization

Database Query and Processing Optimization

Whether you are using UberMenu or a standard WordPress menu, building a menu requires multiple database queries on each page load. Of course, the more menu items and queries you require of the menu, the longer it will take to assemble that information and load the menu. When designing your menu, you should make sure to use your resources efficiently (for example, don’t use Dynamic items unnecessarily).

Using caching to minimize your database queries can make your site run faster and decrease server load. Using a full featured caching solution like W3 Total Cache is a great way to speed things up.

Leveraging Menu Segment Caching is a great way to cache your submenus independently and save processing on each page load.

If you have a lot of logged in users, the WP Menu Cache plugin allows you to cache just the menu itself.

Remember, don’t keep caching plugins enabled during the development process, as they’ll prevent any changes you make from appearing immediately.

Learn more about Database and Processing Optimization

Menus Panel Performance

If you have a huge number of menu items (generally not recommended for SEO and UX reasons), your Appearance > Menus Panel will eventually slow down (with or without UberMenu). Splitting up your menu into more manageable Menu Segments will help you manage and edit your menus more efficiently.

Common configuration issues

If you’re experiencing a slowdown, it’s important to check your configuration for inefficiencies. Check out our Common configuration issues that may cause slow speeds guide for tips.

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