
Menu Item Settings > Widgets

Menu items can contain widget content.

Standard menu item or Widget Area item?

A standard menu item (like a Post or Page) can have a widget area attached. There is also a Widget Area Advanced Menu Item.

If you want a link with a widget area below it, use a standard menu item.

If you want a widget area with no link/header, use the Widget Area item.

Adding a Widget Area

1. Open the Menu Item Settings > Widgets

Go to Appearance > Menus and click the Uber button on the menu item to open the Menu Item Settings Panel. Click the Widgets tab on the left.

2. Assigning a Widget Area

To create a widget area specific for this item, just enter a name in the Custom Widget Area setting. When you save your item, a Widget Area with this name will appear in your Widgets screen.

To use a reusable widget area for this item, select your desired widget area in the Reusable Widget Area setting. You can register reusable widget areas in the UberMenu Control Panel > General Settings > Widgets

3. Adjust the Layout

Adjust the Layout of the item in the Layout tab to set the width of the widget area, if desired.

4. Save your settings

Click the Save Menu Item button to save your settings.

5. Assign your widgets

Go to Appearance > Widgets and assign your desired widgets to the appropriate UberMenu Widget Areas.

Removing Orphaned Widget Areas

If you have deleted an item which had a Custom widget area, that widget area will remain. If you’d like to remove it, you can go to the UberMenu Control Panel > General Settings > Maintenance > Manage Widget Areas.

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