See also Submenu Columns
Natural vs Relative Sizing
Each item can either me sized naturally to its contents, or be given a width relative to its container, using the Column Width setting.

“Automatic” means that UberMenu will determine the proper width of the item.
For example, in the menu bar, the automatic value would default to a natural sizing.
In a mega submenu with a Submenu Column Default set, the column width will inherit that default.
Items will be sized to their natural size (generally the size of their contents), with a minimum column width.
Full Width
The item will expand to the entire width of its container. This would almost never be used in the Menu Bar. In a submenu, it allows you to have a single item take up an entire row on its own.
Grid Fractions
Select a fraction of the container (usually, a submenu or submenu column) as the width.
Items in the menu bar will be sized relative to the width of the bar. Columns in the submenu will be sized relative to the submenu width. Child items will be sized relative to their parents (the width of the column they appear in).
Understanding Menu Item Layouts
For more information, please review Menu Item Layouts and Submenu Columns