UberMenu Control Panel > Main UberMenu Configuration > Responsive & Mobile > Display Submenu Retractor
The Submenu Retractors are now deprecated since v3.4 when the submenu indicator close button was introduced. They are no longer necessary for most setups.
UberMenu can optionally display dedicated close buttons in your submenus. These are important if your top level items are links, so that the submenus can be closed by your users.

By default, the close button will only appear at the bottom of the submenu, but you can configure them to display on the top, bottom, or both.

Close button display strategy
You can choose whether the close buttons will display below a certain breakpoint, when a mobile device is detected by WordPress (beware of the caching implications), or when touch events are detected.
General Settings > Responsive & Mobile > Determine Retractor Display By

Submenu Retractor Text
You can change the text “Close” to something else with the Submenu Retractor Text setting