Mindig (YIT)

Mindig creates residual styling that interferes with UberMenu’s functionality. To resolve this, we’ll take advantage of the theme’s pluggable yit_nav() function to use UberMenu Manual Integration

These instructions – especially the manual integration and responsive sections – may be applicable or adaptable to themes using the later YIT framework

Child theme

Mindig includes a child theme called mindig-child. It is recommended that you install and activate this theme and make your changes there in order to preserve them.

Don’t forget to re-assign your menu to the Main theme location after activating the child theme.

Manual Integration

Mindig’s navigation is generated by the yit_nav() function. To manually integrate UberMenu, we’ll just revise that function. Add the following PHP in your child theme’s functions.php to manually integrate UberMenu when the plugin is active:

if( function_exists( 'ubermenu' ) ){
	function yit_nav() {
		ubermenu( 'main' , array( 'theme_location' => 'nav' ) );

Responsive / Mobile Menu


To ensure UberMenu is displayed properly, you’ll want to add this CSS:


To remove the theme’s mobile menu toggle, add this PHP to your child theme’s functions.php

add_action( 'init' , 'yit_remove_mobile_menu' );
function yit_remove_mobile_menu(){
	remove_action( 'yit_header', 'yit_mobile_menu_trigger', 45 );

Menu Positioning

Below the logo

By default, UberMenu will be full width and therefore move to the next line below your logo. If you want it to remain there, you may wish to add some margin to your logo to add some space between the logo and menu:


(See Adding Custom CSS)

Right of the logo

If you want the menu to align to the right, you can adjust the menu bar position in the UberMenu Control Panel > Main UberMenu Configuration > Position & Layout > Menu Bar Alignment.

Extended Submenus

Note that you may also want to change your Bound Submenu To setting to “Unbounded” in the same section in the Control Panel, and add the following CSS if you want the submenu to be bounded within the content area of the theme.


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