Each menu item can be configured individually in the Appearance > Menus Panel.
Video Tutorial
Configuring Menu Item Settings
To access the Menu Item Settings, hover over the menu item you wish to configure. A button labeled Uber will appear.

Click the Uber button to open the Menu Item Settings Panel for that item.

The Menu Item Settings Panel
The Menu Item Settings Panel contains a variety of settings specific to that menu item, including its submenu.
Along the top, you’ll see the menu item’s name, ID (useful for CSS), and item type (Page), as well as the Save Menu Item button for this specific item. Click the × in the upper right or press escape on your keyboard to close the panel.
Along the left, you’ll see a list of tabs which organize the settings by group. The blue tab is highlighted, and you can click on each tab in succession to reveal its settings.
To the right of the tabs is the content panel for each tab, which contains the settings themselves. Note this panel is often scrollable. Setting each have a description and helpful hints which appear over certain items when hovered.

When a setting is changed, an alert box appears next to the save button, warning you that there are unsaved changes.

Hover over the status icon for details.

Save your changes by clicking the blue Save Menu Item Button. The changes will be saved via AJAX, and when the process is complete the status icon will turn green