
Menu Item Settings > Icon

Video Tutorial: Adding icons to your menu

How to add icons to your menu items

UberMenu includes 50 icons out of the box for your use. To set an icon, open up the Menu Item Settings by clicking the Uber button on any menu item in Appearance > Menus.

Click the Icon tab on the left.

To select an icon, click the Set Icon button. The selection panel will open.

Type to filter the icons by their names.

Click an icon to set it. The chosen icon will display in the Set Icon box

Click Save Menu Item to save your changes.

The icon will appear to the left of you menu item text.

Icons Extension

The Icons Extension provides extended icon functionality for your menu.

Over 1,500 Icons

Get the complete set of Font Awesome Icons

Additional Icon Layouts

Choose to position your icons to the left, right, top, or bottom of the item text.

Advanced Customization Options

Configure the color, size, and padding of the icons for each item type (top level, header, normal), and get a Live Preview in the Customizer.

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