
The ubermenu_dynamic_posts_args filter allows you to filter the post query arguments array just before it is passed to get_posts for Dynamic Posts.

Here’s an example of using the filter. We’ll target a Dynamic Post item with the ID 562. The demonstrates how you’d alter the query arguments, in this example changing the offset or the sorting.

function um_filter_dynamic_post_args( $post_args , $menu_item_id ){

	//Target menu item 562
	if( $menu_item_id == 562 ){

		//Change offset to 5
		$post_args['offset'] = 5;

		//Change orderby to random
		$post_args['orderby'] = 'rand';

	return $post_args;

add_filter( 'ubermenu_dynamic_posts_args' , 'um_filter_dynamic_post_args' , 10 , 2 );


Your registered callback will be called once for each dynamic post item. The array you return will be passed as query arguments to the get_posts() function. You have access to the query arguments (with parameters set in the menu item settings already present) and the ID of the Dynamic Posts item.

This is an array of query arguments to be passed to get_posts(). The filter callback should return this. For a full list of parameters that can be passed, please see The WordPress Codex: WP Query Parameters
This is the ID of the Dynamic Posts menu item.

WPML + category__and corner case

While not actually related to UberMenu, note that if you are using the category__and post arg along with WPML, WPML won’t process this the same way as WordPress core – it won’t combine your category__and value with your cat value, so you need to place all categories in the category__and argument. e.g.

if( isset( $post_args['cat'] ) ){
   $post_args['category__and'] = array( 256 , $post_args['cat'] );
   unset( $post_args['cat'] );

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